Just as different industries experience growth at various stages of the business cycle, they will also face the impacts of an economic downturn at different times and to varying extents. Similarly, while some industries are more vulnerable to severe economic declines, individual businesses within those industries will also have varying levels of susceptibility. As you develop your business plans for the years to come, there are four key items you need to consider when building a marketing strategy for the 2030s depression.
Leading up to the economic decline beginning around 2030, these four considerations will not only help you determine which products and services you will need to sell in the coming decade, but how to go about selling them correctly in order to maximize profitability.
[ Free Sample - See How Your Business Benefits From a Long-Term Company Forecast ]
With only approximately five years until the start of the depression, there is so much to do to make sure you and your business are ready for the economic decline to come. But there is still time!
With ITR Economics’ Financial Resilience program, you will work closely with ITR Chief Economist Brian Beaulieu. We provide your business with a 15-year company forecast that will help you capitalize on the opportunities leading up to the 2030s depression to best position your business through this period of decline.
Along with providing accurate forecasts, our team of experts can help you develop the best marketing strategy for your business by promoting the right products and services to your customers during an economic depression.
To learn how vulnerable your business is to the 2030s depression so that you can craft the correct marketing strategy going forward, contact us at ITR Economics so we can help put you and your business on the right track to make the most of these next several years heading into the next decade.