Insider Webinars

AI, Automation, and Productivity

By Connor Lokar on June 14, 2024

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Connor Lokar

As a millennial, Connor brings a new perspective to the world of economics, delivering ITR’s industry-leading accuracy to current C-suite executives while forging connections with the next generation of business leaders.

The internet changed the world as we know it. Now AI and automation are generating similar levels of hype and promise. The question is – is this new trend all sizzle, or is there some substance to it?

In the years ahead, major countries around the world will be facing demographic challenges in the form of either decline or, at a minimum, slowing growth in populations and workforces. This would be daunting enough for any nation on an individual basis.

However, these challenges are poised to synchronize around the globe during the rest of this decade and into the next. Everyone is searching for an answer, and they are seemingly finding it in the form of automation.

In the June Business Series webinar, ITR Economics will be assessing the impact that we have seen so far, how it might mirror technological innovations of the past, and how much of an impact we can reasonably expect to see in the short term. We will also discuss who might be the winners and losers in terms of job loss or creation.


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