The ITR Economics Trends Report™ is a monthly publication that provides economic insights, forecasts, and strategies to give your business the edge. This industry-leading forecasting publication includes over 40 articles for individual markets, covering the complete spectrum of today’s US and world economies. We update our analysis regularly as new data is released. So how can you use this wealth of knowledge to benefit your business?
With the Trends Report, you receive in-depth analysis of the core US economy, the financial sector, the construction industry, and the manufacturing industry. You’ll learn where these industries are in the business cycle, what the leading indicators are saying about their future trajectories, highlights and snapshots of the industries' various components, and insightful Management Objectives™ to help you capitalize on current and future trends. This knowledge will assist you as you increase your competitive advantage, identify markets for growth, support your internal forecasting, and prepare for coming economic changes.
- Increase your competitive advantage – Adding the Trends Report to your arsenal can give you a leg up on competitors who may be focusing on the wrong things. While they’re making incorrect management decisions or ignoring upcoming economic changes, you’ll be ahead of the game, making use of the reliable foresight of our three-year forecasts and understanding the leading indicator analysis behind them.
- Identify markets for growth – Certain industries may be headed for decline while others are booming. By learning which phase of the business cycle a given industry is in (and which phase it is headed for), you can identify the best growth and partnership opportunities for your business.
- Support internal forecasting – Your own numbers can only tell you so much; external factors often have serious implications for your business. Comparing your own forecasting with the Trends Report market outlooks can help you substantiate your internal expectations.
- Prepare in advance for economic changes – Many companies expect continued year-over-year growth. But what happens when your economic landscape won’t naturally support that growth? What internal levers will you need to pull in order to maintain your growth phase? How much forewarning do you need for those levers to be effective? The Trends Report gives you a three-year warning of coming economic changes, empowering you to take proactive, rather than reactive, action.
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