2024 was a monumental year for ITR Economics, one that is highlighted by our Executive Series Webinars featured in July in December. These webinars were both presented by ITR Chief Economist Brian Beaulieu and Consulting Principal Alan Beaulieu and marked the final time the Beaulieu brothers shared the stage. While both Virtual Keynote Events covered what is to come in the 2030s, each presentation highlights evergreen information you can use to prepare yourself and your business for the 2030s depression.
Preparing Your Business for the 2030s Depression
Our July presentation provided exactly what the title suggests, key data and information to help prepare your business for the economic downturn we are forecasting for the 2030s. This webinar is a fantastic resource for business leaders of all sizes to form an understanding of the impact that this depression will have on their organization so they can start putting the necessary plans in place to endure it.
The 2030s will be a make-or-break time for many businesses during the depression. This webinar will not just help you ensure your business’s survival during the depression, it reveals the paths to profitability. Throughout this presentation, you will learn about your company’s susceptibility to the depression, discover the necessary or potentially radical business decisions you will have to make to achieve success, and even discern which of your current business strategies you may have to reconsider or pivot from.
Time Frame
As of the time of this writing, we are approximately five short years away from the beginning of the depression. With so much to consider in the years leading up to the 2030s, it is crucial to act now to prepare for what is to come. This webinar will take you through the remainder of the 2020s and through the duration of the depression.
Navigating the Financial Eddies of the 2030s
Our December Executive Series Webinar on the upcoming depression was centered on individuals and endeavors to help people gain a better understanding of how the 2030s will impact their personal lives and finances. Equipped with this knowledge, they can make informed financial decisions throughout the depression.
With insight into future economic trends and return-on-investment probabilities for personal wealth management, Brian and Alan Beaulieu break down the data behind our attendees’ burning questions and provide advice on long-term bonds, the best locations for holding investment property, the performance of alternative assets, and some of the top financial moves you can make following the depression.
Time Frame
Whereas the first webinar is focused on the immediate lead-up to and duration of the 2030s depression, this second webinar goes beyond the end of the depression and highlights the 2030s decade as a whole as you safely secure your financial future.
Why You Need Both Webinars
By purchasing both webinars, you will gain a well-rounded understanding of how to navigate the economic challenges ahead. Each webinar offers its own unique insights and strategies, each with its own set of practical and actionable steps to take.
By understanding both the business and personal financial strategies discussed in the presentations, you will be better equipped to handle this economic downturn and emerge stronger on the other side, as this dual approach ensures you are not only surviving through the 2030s but thriving through and following it.
While each webinar can be purchased individually, we offer a discounted webinar bundle for those interested in getting the full scope of the 2030s depression and its impact on your personal life and your business.