ITR Economics provides the best economic intelligence for practical and profitable business decisions.
We do this via accurate forecasts generated using ITR Economics’ unique understanding of business cycles and our proven objective analysis. Our accuracy for all forecasts averages 94.7% or higher looking one year into the future. For macroeconomic measures of activity such as GDP, our forecast accuracy averages higher than 99.0%. Our accuracy for company- specific forecasts (i.e. company revenues, sales, shipments, orders) is 91.5% one year out (total company dollars forecasted in 2018 was approximately $18 billion).
We communicate the economic outlook and analysis in terms suitable for business application; we avoid econ-speak. The point of the communication is to provide the decision maker with the understanding and confidence they need to make the decisions that will put them ahead of the competition and improve their profitability. Basic examples of this include:
ITR Economics is also positioned to assist in personal wealth creation. We help whether it is an individual wanting to know about interest rate trends, timing the purchase of a home or investment property, capitalizing on the equity markets, or seeking gains from individual stocks.