When we mention ITR Economics’ outlook for an economic depression in the 2030s, several questions normally arise:
- What does the downturn mean for my family and my business?
- How do I prepare financially for the downturn?
- What parts of the economy will be affected to a lesser extent or not at all?
We addressed the third question as part of the July 2023 webinar. We are now turning our focus toward the first two issues. Some of this material was presented in our book Prosperity in the Age of Decline, but the world has changed since the book was released, and changes in emphasis and perspective are appropriate. The basic outline is unchanged; however, it is time to add some more details and nuances to that outline.
We will look at the next 13 years from the perspective of the boomers, Gen Xers, and millennials. Each generation will face the same economic environment, but the impact, tactics, and actions will vary appreciably across the generations. This perspective will be applied to careers, generating financial wealth, and being positioned for the future.
Additionally, the coming depression will encompass a period of deflation. The world has not experienced broad-based deflation since the 1930s. It will feel every bit like a “black swan” event because of the high inflation leading into the period, but the telltale signs are already here. With the generational perspective in mind, we are going to examine what works, and what does not work, during deflation.
Inflation flipping to deflation will have a significant impact on wealth via:
- Equities
- Bonds
- Property
- Cash
Getting this mix correct is vitally important to growing wealth even through the difficult times.
The questions we will answer have to do with the causal factors, duration, how it ends, and political and economic turmoil. We are not political scientists and will not be forecasting the body politic in the 2030s beyond discussing some of the probable/potential outcomes stemming from a very distressful economic period.
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