Corporate profitability is key to the underlying trend for share prices. We will look at what we can expect regarding corporate profitability in 2020. Profitability impacts business investment in addition to prices. The December 17 webinar will be ITR’s deepest public dive to date on this topic.
Should you be US centric in your equities, or should you stick with the concept of diversifying overseas? You might be surprised at how little diversification you get by going outside of the US. It isn’t like when a business goes abroad to open a new market. Attend the webinar and see what we mean.
What are the prospects for the S&P 500 in 2020? Long a taboo topic at ITR, the new Optimizer Leading Indicator™ provides us with the means to offer some insight into the future trend, especially in combination with profitability and liquidity. We aren’t looking to time the market, but we want to be sure you don’t miss the trend.
Which segments of the equity market do we think will fare better than most in 2020? We will examine the answer to that question, along with “Why?”
If you are within five years of selling your company, it is critical that you make sure that you minimize the correlation between the value of your business and the rest of your wealth, unless you are willing to let it all ride on the same trend. Wealth preservation should be an increasing consideration the closer one gets to a liquidity event. Our analysis of the business cycle will help you with the company valuation, and our equity discussion will help direct your thinking to maximum wealth creation and protection.
Alan and I will present an update of what is happening with the ITR Equity Optimizer Model™ and the advancements that have been achieved since it was unveiled at the July 2019 webinar.
For the first time, ITR Economics will present its methodology/dashboard for deciding which individual stocks/companies are worthy of consideration from a business cycle perspective.
Interest rates:
The trend in interest rates is likely to change in 2020. Knowing when will help you lock in the best rates. Knowing why you should want to borrow money will provide you with the impetus to make your move.
We will present our five-year outlook for key interest rates at the December 17 webinar. We will also discuss the prospects for interest rates through the end of this decade. A key point: How high is “high”?
We have reasons to think that commodity prices will shift direction in 2020. From the precious metals to oil, we will look at what the probable trends will be, what is driving the shifts in trend, and if there is money to be made in this arena.
Attend our webinar on December 17 to learn more!