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Read the latest blog posts from the experts at ITR Economics about market and industry insights, actionable business advice, and topical economic trends.

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Outlook for the Distribution Sector

The global economy is now firmly on the back side of the business cycle, and challenges are mounting for distributors.

Industry Updates

Ukraine and the Business Cycle: A Reminder

While there are specific risks, the conflict in Ukraine has not reached the intensity necessary to prompt a global economic contraction.

Executive Strategy

Creative Solutions to the Labor Pinch

This unique labor market will require creative solutions. Here are a few that have helped some of our clients.

Executive Strategy

Checking in at the Peak

ITR economists expect many core segments of the economy to reach a business cycle peak during the first quarter of 2022.

Industry Updates

Update: Infrastructure Bill Passes

With House passage Nov. 5 and President Biden's signature 10 days later, the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill is now a reality.

Executive Strategy

Can Technology Solve the Labor Problem?

With near-full employment and job openings exceeding the number of job seekers nationally, companies must get creative in solving their labor...

Digging Into the Infrastructure Bill

The Senate has passed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that promises to be the largest infrastructure investment in the US in more than a decade.

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