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Read the latest blog posts from the experts at ITR Economics about market and industry insights, actionable business advice, and topical economic trends.

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Does the US Steal Jobs?

The reality is that US firms chose to move some part of their operations because it made good financial sense.

One Month in Context

One of the easiest things to do is to make a projection or even a very definitive statement based on one month’s data.

Two Realities

Life (and capitalism) can be the same way, where your point of view is everything.

Carpe Diem!

But for many businesses, it is time to seize the day and move forward with vigor and confidence.

Beware the Headlines

No doubt there are several reasons why headlines often state what they do, but one of them must be to grab a potential reader’s attention.

Going Up!

A significant second wave, with key states going back into economic shutdown, is our stake in the ground.

Do Not Fear the Future

The April 2020 to April 2019 year-over-year comparison (1/12 rate-of-change) posted the steepest decline on record.

Nowhere to Go

The export of goods is an important part of our economy. The $1.646 trillion in exports of goods alone at year-end 2019 accounted for 7.6% of US GDP.

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