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ITR Economics is the oldest, privately-held, continuously operating, economic research and consulting firm in the US.
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ITR Experts Say Strategic Planning

Selling or Not Selling Your Business – How We Can Help
By ITR Economics on March 26, 2024

With the 2030s depression quickly approaching, business leaders have a lot of important and difficult decisions to make as they prepare for what is ahead. One of the most important...

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Manufacturing Recessions

US Manufacturing Is in Recession – How Long Will It Last?
By ITR Economics on March 19, 2024

ITR Economics recently revised its forecast for GDP. This mild revision to our GDP outlook was an upgrade, but it is important to keep in mind that GDP pertains to the non-industrial side...

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News ITR Experts Say

Housing Market Considerations for Prospective Homebuyers
By ITR Economics on March 14, 2024

We are often asked whether the present “is a good time to buy a home.” The more pragmatic question is whether there will be a better time to purchase a home any time soon.

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Great Depression Financial Resilience

5 Pieces of Advice for Leading Your Business Through the 2030s
By ITR Economics on March 5, 2024

With the next decade quickly approaching, businesses should be starting to craft their strategies for the coming economic depression. As we continue to assist companies with our insightful...

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Great Depression Financial Resilience

3 Common Questions Our 10-Year Forecast Will Answer
By ITR Economics on February 27, 2024

With ITR Economics forecasting an economic depression during the 2030s, there is a lot for a business leader to think about when it comes to the future of their company. Financial...

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Construction Manufacturing Recessions

US Economy in 2024 – Where Are We Now?
By ITR Economics on February 20, 2024

2024 has so far been a tricky year for businesses. Many are feeling recessionary pressures. Because the major industries move through the phases of the business cycle at varying times,...

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