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Read the latest blog posts from the experts at ITR Economics about market and industry insights, actionable business advice, and topical economic trends.

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Where Is the Good News?

US GDP is slowing. As angst builds in corporate offices and boardrooms, we are frequently asked for the good news.

Two Points to Ponder

Are you able to put aside the hype of the news cycle to focus on what a shift in the leading indicators means for your business or portfolio?

The Importance of Sales Forecasting

When we ask our clients why they are using our consulting services , the most common response is "strategic planning." But what do they mean by that?

The Value of a Market Forecast

A dashboard of 12-quarter forecasts for your end-use markets gives you enough runway to enact internal shifts to maximize your business’ growth...

The Labor Market Loves Quitters

Is your employee turnover rate in line with the national average? Or is employee retention a problem for your business?

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