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Read the latest blog posts from the experts at ITR Economics about market and industry insights, actionable business advice, and topical economic trends.

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Client Testimonial - Digitech Systems

One of the best advantages of being a member of Vistage is that I get to meet people like Brian and Alan Beaulieu from ITR Economics.

From the President's Desk: Dollar Woes

A lot has been written lately about the strength of the US dollar and the need to weaken it by means of a reduction in the federal funds target rate.

Why Accurate Forecasting Matters

Seeing the future before others see it provides a competitive advantage that leads to enhanced profitability and compound annual growth.

ITR Experts Say: Shifting Trade Winds

Global trade winds are shifting. The tariff and trade policies of the Trump administration have generated unintended consequences.

ITR Experts Say: The Dual-Speed Economy

However, there was a noteworthy split within the overall economy: The consumer remained resilient while the businesses community pulled back on...

ITR Experts Say: Revenue, Prices, and Planning

Many businesses use revenue forecasts for capacity planning, but they don’t realize how much changes in their prices influence those revenue...

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