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Read the latest blog posts from the experts at ITR Economics about market and industry insights, actionable business advice, and topical economic trends.

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February Job Growth in Context

The increase in jobs from January to February brought much of media attention. But what does the data say as we look at this job growth in further...


A Change in a Key Forecast

ITR Economics has changed its forecast for GDP (in inflation-adjusted dollars). See what has changed and what remains the same in our blog.

Industry Updates

Prepare for Change

Private Domestic Fixed Investment is poised to decline, and the trend will likely last into early 2025. What does this mean for your business?

Industry Updates

Growing Economic Troubles in Europe

Growing economic troubles in Europe foreshadow a recession ahead. What does the data say, and how might this impact your business? Find out here!


Inflation Fears

The media's latest headlines and soundbites about inflation seem a bit alarming. Is there cause for concern? Find out in a blog from ITR Economics.

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