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Jackie Greene

Jackie is the Vice President of Economics at ITR Economics, and oversees forecasting and applied research.
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All Posts from Jackie Greene

Director's Cut

Director's Cut: How Healthy Is the EU Without the UK?
By Jackie Greene on April 25, 2019

With the European Union's recent decision to extend the United Kingdom's departure deadline to Oct. 31, and another round of UK voting set for the upcoming week, we need to examine the...

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Director's Cut

Director's Cut: Is It Time to Invest in Mexico?
By Jackie Greene on March 26, 2019

It’s no surprise that Mexico’s economy is tied to the US; 36.9% of Mexico’s GDP is export activity, and 73.9% of Mexico’s exports went directly to the US in 2016 (latest data available).

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Director's Cut

Director's Cut: World Industrial Production Fell – Hard!
By Jackie Greene on February 25, 2019

The world is a big place, and World Industrial Production is a large engine. Once it's in motion, it's difficult to change its direction. Unfortunately for many, that engine is distinctly...

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Director's Cut

Director's Cut: Can You Buy Your Way Out of a Recession?
By Jackie Greene on January 29, 2019

2019 is finally here, and bringing with it obstacles and opportunities. If you follow ITR Economics, you know we are expecting the US economy to generally grow during the first half of this...

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Director's Cut

Director's Cut: The UK Departs in T Minus Three Months and Counting
By Jackie Greene on December 13, 2018

If you were to renegotiate deals with someone responsible for 54.1% of your sales, it would cause some stress. How about renegotiating with your top supplier, responsible for 61.7% of all...

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Director's Cut

Director's Cut: Don't Enter the Race to the Bottom
By Jackie Greene on November 13, 2018

We’re quickly approaching Thanksgiving, and with it, Black Friday. Ah, Black Friday – that magical day when retailers battle to capture a portion of the consumer’s holiday spend. But are...

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