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Read the latest blog posts from the experts at ITR Economics about market and industry insights, actionable business advice, and topical economic trends.

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The Changing Retail Landscape

As consumers adjust their daily routines to stay-at-home orders, they are also changing their habits.

Nowhere to Go

The export of goods is an important part of our economy. The $1.646 trillion in exports of goods alone at year-end 2019 accounted for 7.6% of US GDP.


A Data-Driven Outlook

We will see what the data tells us about the last two months and what that same data can teach us about the future.

Adapt, Evolve, Compete

There are many different levers you can pull internally, and our team is always here to discuss different Management Objectives™ with you.


The Road Map to Recovery

We will assess the general economic landscape while discussing how to have confidence in what the leading indicators are saying about your industry.

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