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Read the latest blog posts from the experts at ITR Economics about market and industry insights, actionable business advice, and topical economic trends.

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An Inconvenient Truth

It is not hard to find someone who will say that "we don’t manufacture anything here anymore."


Budget Season: Timing Is Everything

Timing of the business cycle can make the difference between boom or bust, cash rich or cash poor. It is that simple and that important.

Planning Compensation Changes for 2020

A discussion around compensation is a critical component of any review, and it addresses an important downstream cost driver.

Black Friday Is Coming

Retailers and consumers are preparing for an influx of sales, and Wall Street anxiously awaits the results.


Managing the Strong and the Weak Separately

Do you know which of your products are outselling the others? Which divisions are your highest performers? Regions where you are most competitive?

Group 329