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Industry Updates

Freight Trends: Relief Is Just Down the Road

The General Freight Trucking PPI will be shifting from escalating inflation to deescalating inflation (disinflation) in the last quarter of this...

2030s Depression

Top 5 Causes of the 2030s Great Depression

The second Great Depression is coming in the next decade, but what led us to this point? Here are the top 5 causes of the 2030s Great Depression.

Industry Updates

Building on Housing

There are various reasons for confidence in our forecast, and US Single-Unit Housing Starts is providing a solid foundation for that outlook.

Industry Updates

Wartime Forecasts

In our effort to guide you through these especially tumultuous times, we are starting to issue "wartime forecasts."

Industry Updates

Ukraine and the Business Cycle: A Reminder

While there are specific risks, the conflict in Ukraine has not reached the intensity necessary to prompt a global economic contraction.

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