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Great Depression

When Will the 2030s Great Depression End?
By ITR Economics on August 21, 2023

The second Great Depression is set to arrive at the turn of the decade, and ITR Economics has been helping businesses and individuals prepare for the 2030s for many years already. This...

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Insights from Our CEO Great Depression

3 Questions From the July Webinar About the 2030s Depression
By Brian Beaulieu on August 8, 2023

On Track for a Depression The updated analysis confirms that the global economy is on track for a prolonged decline in the early 2030s that will constitute an economic depression. The...

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Great Depression

Can the 2030s Great Depression Be Prevented?
By ITR Economics on July 27, 2023

Nearly 100 years ago, the Great Depression of the 1930s blindsided so many people. Millions of lives were altered by the economic downturn, and many were left wondering how there could have...

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Great Depression

Ask Us Your 2030s Great Depression Questions!
By ITR Economics on March 8, 2023

First referenced in the book “Prosperity in the Age of Decline,” the next Great Depression – beginning in 2030 and defining that decade – has long been forecasted by ITR Economics.

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From the President's Desk Great Depression

Ominous Headline – Fact or Fiction?
By Alan Beaulieu on February 14, 2023

Headlines are meant to grab a potential reader’s attention, and this one certainly grabbed mine! A major news source led with this: “GDP Report reveals ominous Great Depression warning sign...

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Great Depression

What Will the World Look Like After the 2030s Great Depression?
By ITR Economics on January 17, 2023

The next Great Depression will have a tremendous impact on the entire world, heavily influencing the way we think and act. As we navigate through this period, there will be a lot of changes...

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