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Industry Updates

Housing Construction: Some Good News

We anticipate that inflation will reach a cyclical low in the latter half of 2024. Will the relief last? Find out in a new blog from ITR Economics!


Manufacturing Atlas: The 2024 Edition

Join ITR Economics as we unveil our 2024 manufacturing atlas – a comprehensive business roadmap this September. Become an Insider member to learn...


Housing Market Update – Preparing for Growth

The US single-family housing market is poised for recovery in late 2023 followed by growth in 2024 and 2025. Become an Insider member to learn more!

Industry Updates

Four Troubling Trends in China

Things are changing in China. See why these changes are not for the better as ITR Economics President Alan Beaulieu highlights four key economic...

Industry Updates

Manufacturing Is Heading Into a Recession

Total Manufacturing in the US is heading into a recession. See the data behind our outlook with a blog from ITR Economics CEO Brian Beaulieu.

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