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Five Positive Benefits of a Recession
By Alan Beaulieu on January 15, 2020

Recessions happen, and you can successfully prepare for them with a reliable set of leading indicators and an understanding of your own rates-of-change. There are five positive benefits...

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How a Recession Can Impact Personal Finances
By Alan Beaulieu on December 13, 2019

Recessions can have a negative impact on personal finances for a lot of people. While those with no debt, plenty of home equity, and decades of working still ahead of them may not even feel...

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How Does Consumer Behavior Change During a Recession?
By Alan Beaulieu on December 3, 2019

It seems to be human nature to fall into the trap of thinking “this time it will be different” and forget the lessons of the past. These top three ways that consumer behavior changes during...

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Why You Need to Be Calculating Your Rates-of-Change
By ITR Economics Representative on December 3, 2019

ITR Economics has been preaching the advantages of rate-of-change analysis for many years. We are constantly showing business leaders and decisionmakers the numerous benefits that result...

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What Are the Short-Term Impacts of a Recession?
By Alan Beaulieu on November 26, 2019

Recessions are always coming; the question, obviously, is "When?" ITR specializes in the "when" as well as in how to prepare for the downturns. We can also help you with the impacts of a...

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Budget Season: Timing Is Everything
By Alan Beaulieu on November 22, 2019

Timing of the business cycle can make the difference between boom or bust, cash rich or cash poor. It is that simple and that important. Businesses that fail to anticipate a business cycle...

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