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ITR Experts Say Trends Report Recessions

Best Business Strategies for 2024 During Economic Recession
By ITR Economics on November 14, 2023

The US economy will soon enter a recession that will last throughout 2024. While business activity typically slows for a few and declines for others during an economic downturn, there are...

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ITR Experts Say Trends Report Finance

What You Need To Know About the Stock Market in 2024
By ITR Economics on November 7, 2023

Whether it is the US economy entering a recession, geopolitical conflict in various places around the world, or even a possible US government shutdown, there is so much going on that could...

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ITR Experts Say Construction

US Government’s Onshoring Efforts Boost Nonresidential Construction Sector
By ITR Economics on October 24, 2023

Near sourcing and onshoring trends are underway in the US, both as insurance against any future COVID-esque supply chain difficulties and as part of a broader shift away from globalism and...

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ITR Experts Say Construction

Demand Still Key Amid Shifting Housing Market Dynamics
By ITR Economics on October 3, 2023

The US Single-Unit Housing Starts 12-month moving total has been rising since July, and the annual rate-of-change has been rising since June.

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ITR Experts Say Recessions

2020 COVID-19 Recession vs 2024 Recession
By ITR Economics on September 21, 2023

All year long, ITR Economics has been helping businesses prepare for the upcoming recession that will begin late this year and last through 2024. As business leaders navigate their...

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News ITR Experts Say

Wages and Job Openings Trends Suggest Some Relief for Employers in Tight Labor Market
By ITR Economics on September 19, 2023

Indications of a labor market less skewed to the employee’s favor and more to the employer’s are appearing:

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