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From the President's Desk Finance

The Stock Market – How Do You Know When…?
By Alan Beaulieu on March 1, 2022

At least half of investors check in on their investments at least once a day. Some of you, I would guess, are saying, "Just once?” It is an easy habit to get into and it is encouraged by...

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From the President's Desk Global

Global Supply Chain Pressure Index
By Alan Beaulieu on January 26, 2022

What would you do if you knew with a high degree of certainty that your supply chain issues were going to ease in the months ahead?

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From the President's Desk Strategic Planning

Three Concerns for 2022
By Alan Beaulieu on December 29, 2021

ITR’s forecast for 2022 is well known, but for the sake of clarity our macro forecast states that the US economy will grow through 2022 into 2023, but the rate of growth will decelerate as...

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From the President's Desk Finance

Inflation – Abate or Inflate
By Alan Beaulieu on November 22, 2021

Inflation is a hot topic throughout the country and beyond. ITR Economics expects that we will experience a temporary general abatement from today’s inflation levels before upside...

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From the President's Desk Manufacturing

Reshoring – the Forgotten Trend
By Alan Beaulieu on October 26, 2021

As consultants, a lot of our time is wrapped up around the issues that are common pain points and areas of concern for our clients – labor, supply chain, and government spending. Our...

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From the President's Desk

Unmasking the Future
By Alan Beaulieu on September 28, 2021

“The future is unknowable because the future is dependent on many possibilities.” (Source)

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